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YouTube intends to add information from Wikipedia to "conspiracy videos"

Information hints will initially appear with topics that have a large number of videos on YouTube.

YouTube is a global service, that is, anyone from around the world can share and raise what they want on the platform, and because people are the origin of difference, everything that is published on them remains controversial and controversial, so the company thought of solving the problem.

but how? YouTube will soon start displaying text from Wikipedia articles and other Web sites along with some controversial videos, the goal of which is to fight tricks and conspiracy theories into service, the site's chief executive said Tuesday.

Susan and Jessica, speaking on stage at the SXSW show in Austin, Texas, presented a model for the new feature, dubbed YouTube "Information Hints".

YouTube plans to offer an alternative view of videos that question science or talk about things it has always doubted - such as NASA's landing on the moon. Information hints will initially appear with topics that have a large number of videos on YouTube.

The YouTube move comes after calls from lawmakers and media advocacy groups to help stem the spread of fraud and false news stories. Last year, the company modified its algorithms to promote what it called reliable sources.


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