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Google declares war on digital currencies with blocking all related ads

Google explained that the new changes will come into force as of next June.

In the past few months, digital currencies have been the most recent, and may have been involved in a lot of follow-up news or at least the knowledge of the media, especially since the currency of the Petequin record levels.

Within the digital world, Web sites have tried to ride the wave by exploiting users 'visits to convert them into mining tools. Recently, a trend has emerged in which "unutilized power" sites are used for their users' computers to dig digital currencies. User knowledge.

Now, in an effort to protect users, Google has announced a new policy in AdWords for digital currency advertising, as the company has decided to terminate all ads related to those currencies.

In an update to the financial services advertising policy, Google has announced its intention not to allow any advertisement for digital currencies or related content, including, but not limited to, currency quotes, currency exchange rates, trading portfolios, and currency trading tips.

Limitations include everything from exchanges for well-known digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as information on obscure new digital currencies from all companies.

"We do not have a magic ball to know where the future will go with encrypted currencies, but we've seen enough damage to the consumer or a potential harm to the consumer, an area we want to deal with very carefully," said Scott Spencer, Google's sustainable advertising manager.

The new changes will take effect in June, which is likely to give current advertisers a grace period.


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