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Researchers create a device capable of "hearing" what is in your mind

At the moment, there are devices that can work by reading our thoughts, or rather reading the signals in our minds and turning them into movements. But thanks to the efforts of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, they have made a head-mounted device that can "hear" our thoughts.

According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he said: "The whole system consists of a wearable device and associated computing system. The electrodes in the device capture muscular nerve signals in the jaw and face caused by internal explanations - words in your head - but not detectable to the human eye. The signals are passed to an automated learning system that has been trained to link certain signals to specific words. "

The idea came when researchers were trying to solve the problem of how to integrate humans and machines together in a less turbulent way. The leading researcher Arnav Kapur cites an example of the degree of turbulence that can occur when we want to search for something. We must take out our phones, write the password, open the application in question, write keywords, etc. All this distracts the user from the environment and the people who are with him.

With this device, it allows users to "think" about what they want to do and actually do, allowing the entire process to occur internally so as not to be destructive in the real world. Other examples include the ability to control your gadgets remotely, so imagine lying in bed, changing channels, controlling the media player, or making multiple, accurate calculations in your head. As you can see, the design does not look very stylish, but this device is still in early stages of development, so we assume that the design will improve over time.

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