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Microsoft blames Sony for Fortnite Battle Royale

Many players may have been enthusiastic when they learned that Fortnite Battle Royale would reach mobile devices and that the game would have support for multiplayer gaming. However, as I have probably heard, co-gaming will not be an option among Playstation 4 and Xbox One owners, so the question is, why?

It turned out that Sony may be wrong and prevent this from happening. "Microsoft has always been a leading voice in encouraging cross-platform adoption and the ability to connect players via personal computers, mobile devices and home gaming devices," a Microsoft delegate was quoted as saying.

"We've worked closely with Nintendo to allow online game play between the Xbox One and the Nintendo Switch and we've offered to do the same with Playstation, and that's not yet. For any other questions about the online game of Fortnite Battle Royale between Xbox One and Playstation, please contact Epic Games or Sony directly. "

This is not the first time Sony has been indicted for preventing the possibility of cross-platform play. Last year, when Minecraft was announced to support cross-platform gaming, Sony's Playstation 4 was not on that list. It is not clear whether Sony plans to change its position any time soon, but the owners of Xbox One and Playstation 4 will not be able to play with each other.

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