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Steps to speed up your Android phone

When comparing Google's Android systems with Apple's IOS in cuff, it always seems to favor Apple's fully stable system, which is almost dedicated to working on high-end iPhones.
As for the Android system, the follower of this system is seen to be moving at a pace that is more efficient than the previous versions, but still some devices from Android suffer from slow use over time, and this is due to many of the efficiency of the device in general and specifications in addition to the weight Generalization of some android applications that cause, over time, slow movement of applications.

But there are certain ways to speed up the work of your Android phone through some of the methods that the user has to do as follows:

  • Follow up system updates
Almost a year ago, Android has tracked monthly updates to its operating system. These updates are often security or updates to correct some errors and add some speed to the system, so it is recommended to keep track of your monthly updates and not to neglect any updates. To work in a stable manner.

  • Remove unwanted applications
Many users of Android phones tend to install a lot of games and applications on the pretext of the smart phone experience and how to perform it. Over time, these applications are not deleted without the need to use them, causing additional damage to the phone. And applications that are not desirable and not used, and we note that there are some applications that come to be installed by default and can not be deleted so you must stop the work of applications not used from the list of applications pre-installed on your Android phone.

  • Transfer applications from phone memory to external memory

With support for Android operating system updates, the burden increases on the internal memory of the system as the update process is done through the internal storage of your Android phone, so it is recommended to transfer applications and files from the internal storage to the external memory SD card.

Also, when transferring files and applications to some instant messaging applications such as Whatsapp, you should pay attention to removing unnecessary files such as conversations and application-specific images.

  • Install Lite versions of applications
Many international companies have launched special versions of their applications under the name of "Lite" in noting that these applications are thin versions of basic applications such as the application of Facebook and Twitter Linked, which is owned by Microsoft and other applications.

These applications perform almost the same purpose as basic applications while blocking some features that require high performance. These applications also provide savings in data packets and reduce cache consumption.

  • Turn off applications running in the background
Many users do not shut down applications when they are finished, but they leave them in the background. This works when the battery is running out of power, so close these applications after they are finished.

In order to stop these applications, some of the following methods should be used:

- We open the settings, select the Applications section, and then choose the running applications.
- Then we choose the application that does not require us and we want to stop it, then we click on Stop, so the app no ​​longer runs in the background.
These are some basic steps to speed up your Android phone and maintain the performance of the device as well as improve battery life for the longest possible period.

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