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How do you know who Unfollow you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat?

Live in a time period where your name sometimes affects social networking sites on your place and influence in the community you live in, or vice versa, and the examples are many. So you may want to know the secret of the decline in the number of followers sometimes and has canceled follow-up sites: Twitter, Instagram and Snabshat, or who canceled the friendship on Facebook.

On Facebook
While Facebook has long been fighting applications that give users the knowledge of who has canceled the friendship or the follow-up, the Still Friends app has been on the Apple Store for years and thanks users, and it's simple to use. Registration requires a Facebook account and lets you know if a friend has broken the friendship, If you do not know the identity of the trial period, you can buy the service for $ 9.99.
On the other hand, Android applications have found a fierce challenge to stay in service for long periods. But the most popular applications currently serving are Who Unfriended Me? Although there are many applications that claim to do so.

To download the Still Friends app on the Apple Store: Click here
To download the Who Unfriended Me application? Google Play: Click here
To browse alternative apps on Google Play Store: click here

To find out who has canceled your follow-up on Twitter, there are several options, most notably the site, which you need to link to your account first to give you a daily and monthly look at the number of subscribers acquired and missing.

To visit the site: click here

To find out who owns the audacity and cancel your follow-up on Instagram, you will find many applications such as the famous Followers For Instagram, which gives iPhone users a presentation about those who have canceled your follow-up, and the most admired and commenting on your publications, even if they are not friends.
There are also many suggestions for Android users to do the task and increase ..

To download Followers For Instagram on Apple Store: Click here
To download Unfollowers & Ghost Followers at Google Play Store: click here

Unfortunately there is no application that does the trick for snaps, but there is a simple manual way to find out if a friend has canceled your follow-up or blocked you. In the buddy list, hold down the user name until you see the Snape Code number, which represents the total number of posts on Snapshat. If this user is still following you, you will be able to see the number under the name.

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