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Launching the 5G generation technology, revenue potential

All sectors are witnessing a shift in their vision of the fifth generation technology as a revolutionary technology aimed at changing the status quo as an integral part of their strategy. In this report, Of the potential offered by the revenue generated by the digitalization of sectors thanks to the fifth generation technology.

Using the fifth-generation segmentation algorithm, which is linked to the fifth-generation Business Capability Report, Ericsson is conducting in-depth research to see operators' potential to increase revenue by up to 36 percent through a 10-fact analysis Key sectors.

The business potential report of the previous generation-5 technology found operators could add revenues of $ 204-619 billion (12 to 36 percent) to their projected revenues of $ 1.7 trillion in 2026, On the digital transformation of other sectors, such as automobiles and manufacturing, using fifth-generation technologies and Internet objects.

In its latest Fifth Generation and Internet Objects report, Ericsson studied more than 400 digital cases in 10 sectors: energy and utilities, manufacturing, public safety, health care, public transport, media and entertainment, automobiles, financial services, retail and agriculture.

Fifth generation technology is expected to play an important role in more than 200 out of 400 applications, broken down into groups to increase revenues and overcome the challenges of deployment.

Through extensive partnerships with operators and a carefully selected analytical framework, Ericsson has created a comprehensive manual for operators to address a range of challenges. The report also highlights how to develop use cases to access the potential of digitization of sectors through 5th generation technology. Finally, Operator initiatives and some lessons learned so far.

Take advantage of the potential offered by fifth-generation technology revenues

The digitization revenue of the major ICT players between 2016 and 2026 is expected to grow by 13.6 percent annually, while revenues from existing operators' services are expected to grow by 1.5 percent.
With the growing importance of 5G technology to sectors, opportunities are growing for 5G operators to generate new revenue, and of the total value to be achieved in 2026, operators can handle up to 47 percent of them.
With the development of usage and groups, operators can maximize the potential of fifth-generation technologies, Internet objects and digitization of manufacturing, thus making full use of business potential.
Ericsson has identified nine groups covering nearly 90 percent of business opportunities for fifth generation technology that can be addressed. Direct automation is the largest group, with revenue of US $ 101 billion by 2026, and enhanced video services in second place, With revenue of $ 96 billion in the same year.
"Our various studies have shown that operators are using strategic and operational activities to meet the challenges of their successful offerings, and despite the lack of fifth-generation technology offerings to date, these activities, such as technology launch channels, New market experiences and different tests, will be equally important and more, when evolving towards the fifth generation technology. "
Earlier this year, Ericsson also released the fifth-generation technology impact report on sectors to share insights on fifth-generation technology in more than 900 companies with more than 1,000 employees in 10 different sectors.

The 5G test will start in 2018, and then the activities will accelerate rapidly, with more than 70 percent of companies seeking to use situations in production operations by 2021. Manufacturing, energy, utilities, transport and financial services sectors are more likely to use Production by 2020.

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