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Google provides captions for image search results via mobile devices

Continuous updates to the Google Image Search service make this tool more useful for discovering more information.

Last month, Google announced a major change to its image search engine, removing the direct link to the images or the "View Picture" button in the image search results as part of a new licensing deal, in a bid to deter image theft And calm the agency Getty Images.

Now, Giant is looking to offer a new feature within the Mobile Image Search Engine by adding new captions to the images displayed in the search results to help users more and give better characterization. The company aims to provide "better visual discovery with more contextual results "In the image results page.
Earlier this year, Google began improving visual discovery by showing cards, such as "recipe" or "product," within specific results to help users find what they were looking for easily through the category under which the photo was placed, and at the time Later, you also added the site domain URL for each result in order to view the source of the image.

According to Google, the new feature will show users the title of the web page in which the image was posted, so that this information provides more context, to see what the image is showing, and whether a particular website contains relevant content.

In the example provided in the ad, Google displayed the search results for images of "fruit that looks like a star." Google points out that although the image results provide a visual confirmation that the user has found the right fruit, captions make the results more useful immediately With an additional context.

According to Google, the user will now know that the fruit you searched for is called carambola or starfruit, and it is popular in China without clicking on a link. The captions also help users identify which pages to click to explore more.

Image captions are expected to appear globally this week on Google's Android, iOS and mobile web browsers, with no clear information about whether the feature will come to future browsers on desktop.

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