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Android P version may provide default support for screen protrusions

Google, based in Mountain View, aims to improve the visual design of the Android system in order to provide implicit support for screen protrusions.

The next version of the Android operating system is likely to provide virtual support for the screen protrusions, as Google is making extensive adjustments to this version in order to be compatible with the next generation of smartphones that have such a bulge on the top of the screen, A report based on information on people familiar with the situation published by Bloomberg.

According to the report, the new version of Android P, which is due later this year and is internally named Pistachio Ice Cream, will integrate the Google Assistant into the operating system so that developers can integrate the digital assistant into their applications, It is also expected to improve the new version of battery life on smart devices, and supports new designs such as multi-screen and folding.

It seems that Google also aims through these amendments to convince more users of iPhone phones to switch to Android devices, especially in light of the emergence of a lot of information and leaks that indicate the possibility of adoption of several manufacturers of Android phones for such an extension as part of the designs of new phones, Prompting Google to work to make Android able to adapt easily with designs that include bump screen.

Although Android dominates the global smart phone market, Apple controls a lot of users who spend more money on other applications and services, so making Android adaptable to such screens may help change that, along with allowing For more Android phone manufacturers using designs include such a protrusion that includes the front camera and other sensors.


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