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Whatsapp update on iPhone supports picture-in-picture feature

"Whatsapp" announced the launch of a new update to the operating system IOS, which in turn transferred the application to the version "Version 2.18.51".

The new update offers some new features on the IOS operating system, most notably Picture-in-Picture, which allows users to continue browsing the application when playing videos or when browsing any other application at the same time without having to close the application.

The company also announced restrictions on the use of the application for those under the age of 16, which is part of the new laws of the European Union, which we referred to in previous news.

Whatsapp has announced the release of some of the features of the administrators within the groups, including the ability to remove management rights from other participants, which requires that the user is responsible for the group and not the supervisor, and the group managers can now choose who can change the subject or Code or description of the group of other moderators.

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