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Researchers Interrupt Korean University After Military Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Opened

There are a lot of jokes about how the future will become similar to the Terminator series, thanks to the work of researchers around the world to create artificial intelligence that can make decisions for itself. However, as they say jokes are usually based on truth and this fact is becoming a reality.

The reason for this is the South Korean University KAIST, which recently launched what it calls the artificial intelligence weapons laboratory, prompting more than 50 researchers from the artificial intelligence sector from around the world to announce that they will boycott the university from now on. They no longer host or cooperate with their research until this university undertakes to refrain from developing weapons based on artificial intelligence technology without "human control".

In a statement to The Times of the UK, KAIST President Sung-Chul Shin said: "The center aims to develop algorithms for effective logistics systems and unmanned aerial training systems. KAIST will be responsible for educating researchers and providing advice. " Moreover, he denied that the university had any intention of working on independent lethal weapons based on artificial intelligence.

But according to the researchers, they said: "If independent weapons are developed, this will allow war to be fought more quickly and on a larger scale than ever before. These weapons will have the potential to be terrorist weapons. We urge KAIST not to follow this path, and instead to use artificial intelligence to improve human life and not to harm it. "

These researchers are not the only ones who fear the disruptive capabilities of artificial intelligence technology. Several years ago, Tesla CEO Elon Musk called for a ban on artificial intelligence weapons, as was confirmed by the late physicist Stephen Hawking.

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