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Facebook was seeking to get medical data for users

Our medical data is something we may not want to share with the rest of the world, which is why medical information is strictly guarded. However, it seems that at some point, this was the information Facebook wanted from its users, at least according to a new report recently released by the CNBC website.

According to the report, it seems that Facebook was seeking to launch a research project based on medical information for its users. She has allegedly spoken to health organizations such as the Stanford Medical School and the American College of Cardiology about the possibility of data sharing. The purpose was to use social data to treat and care for patients.

However, it appears that following the fallout from the recent Facebook user privacy scandal, the project was suspended, although according to Facebook, the project never went beyond planning. "This work did not go beyond the planning stage, and we did not receive, share or analyze anyone's data," a spokesman for the CNBC website told CNBC.

Given the degree of scrutiny that Facebook is currently experiencing due to the recent privacy scandal, we are sure that many people do not trust how Facebook handles medical user data. Just last month, there were reports that Facebook had stopped some of its other projects, such as the launch of its smart speakers, which were supposed to be announced officially at the company's annual developer Facebook F8.

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