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Robots will be able to sleep and get dreams with the help of Google

Google is currently developing its own robots and adding the ability to dream to increase its self-learning.
Google say robots sleep similar to the sleep of human being. It is also necessary for the comfort of the body. It is also a vital process for its maintenance. In it, the mind integrates a new part of memory with old information to establish it in the long term.

"Google believes it can take advantage of dreams in a similar way when applied to artificial intelligence. Cognitive Deep Mind, an advanced neural network, can boost the learning rate of programs on their own."

The effect of dreams on learning on Starcragt II and Labyrinth has already been tested, showing the artificial intelligence of experience as fast as 880% compared to human performance.

The improvement of artificial intelligence in video games is the first step for Google before it is moved in the future to functions such as work on cancer research.

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