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Facebook: We will send notices to about 78 million users whose data was leaked by Cambridge Analytica

Facebook said it would notify users affected by the Cambridge 87,000-page anthrax leaks, which will begin sending notices to all users affected by the leaks.

The news comes just before Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg goes to testify before the US Congress this week about the company's role in enabling Cambridge Analytics to collect user data.

There is a lot of controversy about the number of users whose data has been hacked to 87 million users. Mark said the number is increasing because it is related to the number of friends of the users of the application who used the personal data. Facebook does not have records for this period until it gives the correct number .

Christopher Willy, the information lexicon about the data scandal compiled by the British company Cambridge Analytics, said in an interview on NBC that the number of users of Facebook, which the British company obtained their data exceeds the figure much, and that these data, which did not prove that the company has been rid of it may be Russia I got a copy of it, pointing out that Alexander Kogan professor who invented the application of data collection of millions of Facebook users is a Russian nationality and permanent travel between Britain and Russia. Cambridge said in an earlier statement that it had reached only 30 million users.

Facebook has seen the most difficult period in its history, after being shaken by a user data breach scandal since February, with a market value of about $ 100 billion, reaching $ 456 billion today. It would be interesting to know whether it could recover from This is what his employees will demand in return for their trust in the company over the next few months.

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