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Facebook officially launches a news verification tool in order to combat false news

Facebook, like many other social networks, suffers from the problem of spreading false news. One of the ways in which Facebook tries to counter false and false news is by providing tools to help educate users about the discovery of false news articles or at least articles that may come from Conflicting sources. If you're looking for these tools, we'll be happy to let you know that Facebook launched the News Checker, at least in the United States of America today.

If you have not heard of this tool before, it's been tested since 2017. Instead of indicating that this article contains false and misleading content, Facebook provides more background information about the article, its source, and where it's shared to give users More context about what they read.

"We make it easier for people to see the context around the article, including the publisher page on Wikipedia, related articles on the same subject, information on how many times the article was shared on Facebook, where it was shared, Publisher Follow-Up Option ".

Facebook will also display more information such as whether a friend shared the same article. For example, if you have a friend who is known to share trusted information, it may also be used as a measure of the validity of the article. It should also be noted that this feature is currently only available in the United States of America, and we do not have any information at the moment about when it will reach other markets.


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