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Facebook cuts off its relations with data brokers in an effort to restore user confidence

Facebook faces a lot of trouble in recent times because of the privacy scandal that the company found itself involved in. Many people have expressed concern about the personal data Facebook has collected in the past, but we assume that this latest incident is the straw that broke the back of the camel. Since then, Facebook has begun to look for ways to deal with this problem and restore the trust of its users.

In its last attempt to restore user confidence, Facebook announced that it would break its relationship with many large data intermediaries using Facebook data to help advertisers target customers on the social networking platform. According to Graham Mudd, a marketing manager at Facebook, this seems to have been implemented over the past few months. "While this is a common practice in the field, we believe that this move, which will be completed in the next six months, Will help improve the privacy of people on Facebook. "

As we have said, Facebook is now trying to find ways to deal with the consequences of this scandal. Among the latest efforts made by Facebook in recent times, we facilitate access to privacy tools, allowing users to modify their privacy settings more easily. Of course, it remains to be seen whether this is enough to restore customer confidence or not, but so far many companies are taking a stand against it.

For example, Tesla recently deleted its official Facebook page. Mozilla and Sonos also withdrew their ads on the social network.


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