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Fortnite has the largest number of videos uploaded to YouTube in one month

The idea of ​​broadcasting an online gaming experience has always been derided because some people think it is ironic to watch others play rather than play with you. However, it is clear that this has changed over the years, and in fact if there is evidence that the game videos will remain in place, the game of Fortnite Battle Royale from Epic Games may have done so.

Ryan Wyatt, who heads YouTube Gaming, says Fortnite Battle Royale has been able to achieve a new achievement as the largest number of videos uploaded to YouTube within a month. Unfortunately, the tweak does not tell us exactly how many videos we're talking about, but it's clear that this game has affected the community of players.

He also says Fortnite has 42 million live videos and has a record of 1.1 million simultaneous views. Although Fortnite is not a new game in itself, its release on mobile devices has undoubtedly generated a sensation. The game reportedly earned $ 1.5 million in revenue in the first four days after its release on the iOS platform, despite the fact that it has not yet been released on the Android platform.

We expect the game to become more popular over time, and we can also look forward to more game-related videos, especially with Epic Games' fast online registration features.


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