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The recent hack of MyFitnessPal affects 150 million users

For those who follow their exercise and the amount of food they eat, they are most likely using the MyFitnessPal application, which is probably one of the most popular health and fitness applications in the world. Unfortunately, if you are a user of this service, your data is likely to have been compromised.

Under Armour, which acquired MyFitnessPal a few years ago, confirmed that the service had been hacked, probably affecting data from more than 150 million users worldwide. Fortunately, the information the pirates pulled out of the service did not include financial information or social security numbers, but included other information such as usernames, email addresses, and broken passwords.

The hacking was said to have taken place in February, Under Armour said it had not been notified until last week. The company said it works with affected users via e-mail and through in-app messaging, and with legal institutions, as well as companies specializing in information security to try to identify the source of the hack.

Under Armour said: "After four days of our knowledge of the problem, the company started to notify MyFitnessPal community via email and through in-app messaging. This notice contains recommendations for MyFitnessPal users about the security steps they can take to secure their accounts and information. IPad prompts MyFitnessPal users to change their passwords and urges users to do so immediately. "

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