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Microsoft confirms that Fortnite Battle Royale will support shared gaming on Xbox One

Last week, we told you that Fortnite Battle Royale will reach Android-enabled mobile devices and iOS, which will also allow players to compete against each other on different platforms, including mobile devices, PCs and Playstation 4. However, One is out of the list, which is not surprising considering the former Sony frequency.

However, this is not necessarily the full picture of the subject. According to The Verge, Microsoft today confirmed that it is working with Epic Games to allow Xbox owners one this feature in the future. "We've worked closely with Epic Games for some time to bring this feature to all current and future versions of Fortnite, and we expect it to be available on Xbox with other platforms," ​​said Microsoft. Microsoft has always been a leader in the adoption of cross platform gaming and the ability to connect players via personal computers, mobile devices and home gaming devices. "

However, it should be noted that Microsoft does not refer specifically to Playstation 4, so it is possible that at the end of the day, there will be no integration between the Xbox One and Playstation 4 games, but we believe that at least there will be support between Xbox One and players on platforms Other. It is not clear when this will happen, but we will update the site as soon as we have more information.


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