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Here some reasons for how Linux and Mac do not need anti-virus programs Unlike Windows

I often ask why Linux and Mac do not need anti-virus programs unlike Windows? Very good question. It is common to hear that Linux or Mac is one of the most protected systems to use anti-virus. While Windows is very necessary use a protection program even if you are an expert in protection. For the proliferation of security threats surrounding Microsoft systems, what is the reason?

Some people may think that it is related to the popularity of Windows. More popular systems are therefore more vulnerable to security threats than Windows, so you should use anti - virus. But believe me it 's far beyond that, since Windows has its reputation in the field of operating systems but Linux remains more popular when we talk about servers. Therefore, the difference is not as the majority believes it has to do with fame but the reason is attributed to several points:

System architecture: Linux architecture makes it protect itself from malware attacks. Getting the permission of Root(Root is the highest power in Linux, and Windows when talking about system administrator) in the system is very difficult for malware and therefore can not To cause any real harm to the Linux operating system and this refers to the system of permissions in Linux. Where the permissions settings are divided into three main sections:

First: User permissions

Second: Group Permission

Third: Permission of other individuals who may or may not have direct access to the system (Everyone Else's Permission)

As a result also can be divided powers of files as I mentioned in the total of modern to three types are respectively:

1. Read permission and symbolizes by letter r

2 - Write permission and symbolizes by letter w

3. Execute permission and symbolizes by letter x

Thus, even if a virus is infected Linux system, it remains subject to the permissions of the system user. and that is why It is very dangerous to get the permission of root in Android phones because it is built on Linux and if it infected by virus and you have the permission of root will be the end of the phone.

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