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CTS Labs and Viceroy Research are attacking AMD with strange claims

A company called CTS Labs this morning published some bizarre claims. Its goal is towards the big AMD CPU manufacturer. She said Ryzen's rich treatments of definition had many security flaws, which, she said, were putting all users at risk. Not only that. AMD has even called for a halt to the sale of Raysen processors altogether. "For public safety". Viceroy Research co-authored a hard-edged document, almost devoid of professionalism. Which says text that "AMD's financial value is zero ... and must declare bankruptcy of the consequences of those gaps"

According to the report. The gaps are divided into four sections. I call them Masterkey, Fallout, Ryzenfall, Chimera. They were said to be working like the famous Spectre loophole that was discovered last year. But they are working on AMD processors only, specifically Raysen.

The first thing that caught our eye is that most of the gaps are not in the processor design. But results from steps taken by the user. You must access the machine with an account that has the Administrator privileges. But do you consider that a loophole if all the attacker has to do is penetrate the victim's password?

Add to this strange name some thing. Ryzenfall's name seems to be directed and somewhat specific. Not to mention the offensive tone used in the reports. Which raises some doubts about the objectivity of the investigations. Add to all this that CTS Labs gave AMD only twenty-four hours before publishing their research on gaps. Which is contrary to accepted behavior. For example, the team that discovered the Spectre loophole gave companies six months to work on repairs before publishing research.

If that were not enough, AMD acknowledged that it had not heard of that company before. No wonder here, since the YouTube account for that company was created just four days ago. And videos posted on the Shutterstock site for free-of-charge photography in the background.

Viceroy Research published a report that was no less biased and biased. It is a total. Seems to be a personal attack on the company rather than an objective report to be taken into consideration. The report discusses claims made by CTS Labs and attacks AMD sharply. Completely away from the objectivity of the debate.
After reading the report, we find very little information compared to the size of the 25-page report and the strong tone. In view of the background of Viceroy Research, it appears to be an unknown group of people who aim to "investigate organizations suspected of neglecting responsibility." "When we start an investigation into a subject, We must assume that we have an interest in the market related to it. " Which raises a lot of suspicions and questions about the objectivity, and even the health of the claims in general.


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