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Apple's president comments on Facebook's recent privacy scandal

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is expected to testify before the US Congress on the company's recent privacy scandal. While Facebook has been involved in similar situations in the past, the repercussions of this latest scandal are particularly severe. However, if there is at least one chief executive who thinks he will never find himself in this position, he is Apple's CEO, Tim Cook.

In his recent interview with Kara Swisher of the Recode website, Tim Cook was asked what he would do if he were the CEO of Facebook and found himself in this position. Tim Cook responded by saying: "I will not be in this position." He also added that Apple can easily and in the same way that Facebook made a lot of money as a result of doing so.

"The truth is that we can make a lot of money by converting our customers to our source of income - if our customer is our product," says Tim Cook. This is not the first time Mr. Tim Cook has spoken about customer privacy in the past. Several years ago, he made similar comments about Apple's privacy to its customers compared to Facebook and Google.

Tim Cook is not the only one who thinks this way. Co-founder Steve Jobs has highlighted his position on customer privacy in 2010.

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