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A British company enables mobile users to access content and Internet services "without the need to connect to Internet"

Worldwide studies and research indicate that there are about three billion mobile users who are not connected to the Internet on earth, which prevents them from accessing the data, information and services available to Internet users.
There are those who have taken the lead in taking the initiative at the global level to bridge this digital divide, and to provide revolutionary ideas and services that will change the equation and make a real difference in the lives of billions of people.

In 2012, ONEm, headquartered in London (based in Dubai Silicon Oasis), took the lead in bridging this gap and meeting the need to deliver information, data and Internet services to those who are not connected by developing a platform Innovative technology based on worthwhile ideas.

The company stressed that its objectives are not purely commercial, but described them as noble, as they serve humanity and enable all mobile users on the planet to access the information, services and data available on the Internet (with or without Internet connection).

One of the key concepts of the start-up and ambitious goals of ONEm has been highly acclaimed, and has entered into important agreements with a number of world governments, prestigious international bodies and entities, and global communications and technology companies, including GSMA and large companies such as Microsoft, Amazon and Reuters. Wikipedia and others.

ONEm has signed significant agreements with telecommunications operators in more than 20 countries with a total of approximately 283 million subscribers and aims to reach more than 50 countries during the year 2018.

The most prominent products, services and solutions provided by the company in the past years, most of which are now available in a number of countries in the world

  • Simple alternative Internet service
  • Develop the first hybrid application that works with or without the Internet
  • Launching the OneM platform at unprecedented speeds
  • Development of the first hybrid social networking application
  • Launching the Hybrid Visual Communication Service
  • Development of the first service for transmitting devices without Internet
  • Launch of sWeb service for small and medium businesses
  • The development of mCoin, the first digital currency outside the Internet in the world
  • Connect the ONEm platform with the Eco Voice plugin from Amazon
  • Linking with a number of giant platforms: Amazon and Microsoft
To view the technical details of the current services and to highlight the future vision of the roadmap and other outputs, the Arab Gateway Technical News team visited the headquarters of the regional company located at Dubai Silicon Oasis and held a long and very interesting dialogue with Eng. Hatem Ibrahim, ONEm, in which he presented very interesting details about the advanced technical system provided by ONEm to the world with its noble goals in the interest of serving humanity.

Featured highlights of the photo dialogue
  • The power of the idea has made the World Federation of Telecommunication Companies GSMA accelerate to give us membership very early
  • Reuters ONEM's way of working has enabled them to deliver their services to hundreds of millions of mobile users
  • Wikipedia has found that the ONEm platform serves the noble goals of delivering information
  • We have signed important agreements with several governments and international entities
  • We connect with global ICT companies: Microsoft, Amazon and others
  • "Simple Internet Alternative" provides an immediate solution to bridge the digital divide without having to wait or for any investment!
  • Development of the first service for transmitting devices without Internet
  • Development of ACS Advanced Communications Service
  • Develop the first hybrid application that works with or without an Internet connection
  • The ONEm Hybrid Social Networking application offers you all the features that social networking platforms offer
  • ONEm services serve all communities even in developed countries
  • We have a link with AT & T, and our services are also available in UK
  • Providing hybrid video communications without the Internet
  • MCoin developed the first digital currency outside the Internet
  • The development of digital currency mCoin came as a natural result of the development of ONEm system, services and technology
  • The initial launch of the ICO will be held at the World Block Forum of Qin in Dubai on April 16
  • We will be announcing our first online digital portfolio
  • The alternative mining is called the Psoedo Mining
  • We will allow any store to build a simple customer base and offer a reward system for them depending on the digital currency without internet connection
  • The mCoin currency can be used even by financial and banking entities
  • We started negotiating with a number of platforms where mCoin will be listed, and those platforms will be announced successively
  • Advertising the commercial community of mCoin currency
  • Start uses and business transactions for mCoin, mHire, mTaxi, mBid, mBook
  • Engage in partnerships with banks
  • Launching micro credit service through mCoin
  • With mCoin there is no possibility of manipulation or illegal uses
  • Launching ONEM Hybrid platform for digital currency trading outside the Internet with the highest degree of authentication
  • Launch Hybrid Default Helper
  • Onem is expected to be listed on the global equity markets in 2020
  • mCoin is based on the technologies and history of ONEm and based on existing services
  • mCoin has been developed on a mechanism to limit entry into speculation and prevent the sudden rise and fall that occurs with other currencies
  • The mCoin currency is part of the ONEm system and enjoys complete independence away from market confusion
  • mCoin is a currency friendly to financial institutions, regulators and government and is a noble currency for community service
  • Invitation is open to government or quasi-governmental bodies, civil society organizations or even individuals to contribute to the development of the ONEm global system

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