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Samsung may launch the social network "Uhssup" along with Galaxy S9

First reported last month that Samsung had registered the brand "Uhssup" for its own social network. There has been no further details about the brand since then, but if the new report is true, Samsung may launch its social network along with the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 later this week.

This new report from South Korea says Uhssup is a place-based social network developed by Samsung to allow users to share their current capabilities and comment on other users' locations. This seems to be a similar basis to how users share their places on the Facebook network.

Regardless of sharing the current location, it seems that this social network will provide chat features that users typically get in chat applications like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. However, the question now is whether this social network will be attractive enough to convince users to use other social networks in addition to those social networks they already use.

The report does not give us much details about the advantage of this service, so we have to wait until next Sunday, February 25th to see if Samsung will actually launch the Uhssup service along with the Galaxy S9. Needless to say, Samsung has said nothing about launching a new social network to share users' places, and we will not have to wait long before we make sure.


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