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How to send money to friends using Google Assistant

Google's assistant got a lot of recent improvements where he got 6 different votes the user can choose his best among them, and in order to use the payment feature by google assistant all you need is an account in google paypal.
Send and receive money using Google Assistant
Sending money and receiving it through voice mail is very easy. You can activate the assistant and say "Send then your friend's name and then the amount." If you want to ask for money from a friend, you should say Ask and then the amount of the friend's name, for example, "Ask for $ 10 from Amr."

The Google Home application will review your phone or transaction and ask you for confirmation, and you should confirm the process here by saying "Send now" and you will need to confirm your password for Google eBay transactions then say "Use Password".

What to do if you do not have Google eBay?
Do not have a Google eBay account? All you need to do is download the app from the Google Play Store and enter your information.

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