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11 reason to adopt Google Docs instead of Word

Many users have adopted Google Docs as an alternative to Microsoft Word that has many features but is not used by everyone. Google Docs enables you to get a bundle of everyday features that are fully simplified and work seamlessly. very.

However, there are a lot of negative misconceptions about Google Docs because of their cloud-based nature, but here you'll discover why you should use them. If you insist on using WordPress, you may be surprised!

11 reason to adopt Google Docs instead of Google Docs
It's free
Yes Google Docs is completely free, and you can get up to 15 GB of free cloud storage, and with WordPress the subscriptions will be different, not to mention that everything is very expensive.

Google Docs saves what you type or adjusts in seconds, and you will not notice it. Even direct paste in content that contains high resolution images and other large objects has no serious impact on how fast it is automatically.

With Word, you'll need to click Save even when you connect to the Bonfire Drive. Changes often require synchronizing your age, and even worse, the whole program can stumble while doing so.

File names
Word is very insistent when it comes to file names, since you can not insert any special characters, and you should also be extra careful not to match the name of a file that exists within the same directory.

With documents, you do not even need to add a file name before you can start working on the document, and you can name it whenever you want. It's very easy, just type anything in the field at the top of your browser window, so you're finished.

Easy access
You can start working with Google Docs almost anywhere, just log in to Google Drive on any device connected to the Internet and you can start immediately, while Word requires a fix before you can think of opening a document, let alone stick to Windows or Mac only .

Files of corruption
Because Google Docs are always saved in the cloud, the chances of file corruption are minimal, not the case with Word, where files you store locally are easily corrupt due to technical problems or hardware failure.

Thankfully, the documents do not contain all the features that Word brings to the table. In fact, there is a full store dedicated to add-ons that you can easily use to get any functionality you're missing within Google. Just access the Add-ons panel, and you can search for everything you want , Fonts, themes, mental maps, dictionaries, etc., so if you want to do something as uncommon as removing page breaks, you'll find what helps you do it.

Very compatible
With Google Docs, your documents are not only locked in the cloud, in fact you can choose from a number of file formats to download to your computer at any time.

This means supporting common formats such as DOCX, ODT and PDF where you can easily start working on a document in Word, OpenOffice or Adobe Acrobat if needed, let alone share files with any users.

Speak, do not write
Word's text-to-speech capabilities do not exist unless you want to download the Dictate add-in. But this is not a problem with Google Docs.

When it comes to sharing and collaborating with others, Google Docs works to overcome Wordpress, where you can not only share your documents with hundreds of users, but you can publish them on the web for everyone to see.

The number of people up to 100 can also work on a document at the same time, an exceptional function for something completely free, and it only takes a Google Account to work alongside you.

Search and Link
If you want to do some research as you type, you can use the full Google search capabilities from within the same documents directly, just right-click any word or phrase and click Explore, and a side pane must be automatically uploaded, allowing you to check the information And quoting them smoothly.

Better still, you can also use the "Photos" tab in the "Explore" section to easily add licensed Creative Commons images to your documents.

When it comes to tying things up, Docs lets you search for and insert links directly from within the web app itself, as no longer copying and pasting long URLs. In addition, you can link to other files and documents within Google Drive as well.

No problem working without Internet
When there is controversy about Wordpress and Google Docs it is likely that you will find someone who defends the ability of Wordpress to work offline, this is true because it is a desktop application, but that does not mean that you can not do the same with Google Docs, all you have to do is Select that you want the file to be available offline, and you can access and work on it even if you do not have an active connection, and any edits you make automatically sync when you reconnect to the Internet.

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