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Google Drive will tell you who can access your files

Google Drive makes it easy to store and share your files so you can collaborate securely with your team and customers on the move.

Google Apps, such as Calendar and Gmail, have always had the useful Access Checker, which determines whether the recipient of the shared file in Google Drive has permission to access, and as Google seeks to make email more intelligent and productive, Is going to apply the same to its cloud storage service.

As the latest update shows, the Access Checker tool has been received with a slight redesign, so the cloud storage service gets more smart sharing options, while the tool makes it easier to see who needs access to the file by listing the name and mailing address Mail to these users directly.

To clarify when sending an email, calendar invitation, or other communication method that includes a file from the cloud storage service, the access checker tool will automatically search whether the people to whom the message is sent have permissions to view the file, and if they do not have such permissions, If you want to change the permissions before you share the file.

You'll also see names or email addresses that do not currently have access to the file in the gadget interface. At the same time, instead of the "Turn on sharing link" default option to allow the file to be accessed by anyone with the link, the Access Checker tool will suggest that you grant access Direct to only those users, so this change will help improve security.

One of the most important features is the ability of the access checker to predict specific contacts you need to access the file, as well as support for more file types, including those stored on shared drive space. For G Suite Enterprise users, Previously configured by the administrator, administrators can specify which options appear to users within the tool.


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