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Firefox extensions to protect you from Facebook tracking called Facebook Container

According to the latest reports, Mozilla Firefox has a new feature this week. Yes, Mozilla itself has just launched a new Firefox extension that prevents Facebook from tracking you on the web. The plugin can be downloaded free of charge in the latest version of the PC browser, In response to the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which is related to the use of user data for targeted advertising purposes.

Adding a Facebook Container or Facebook container, as it is called, does exactly what you say - it keeps the social network isolated from the rest of the browser, allowing it to be used even outside anonymous tabs. However, the platform is prevented from accessing data such as Web usage history Open pages and other resources that can be used to track and deliver ads.

As Mozilla wrote in her blog: "The pages you visit on the web can say a lot about you, and can tell where you live, your hobbies, your political persuasion, and there's tremendous value in linking this data to your social work. A network of followers on different Web sites, tracking this code is invisible and it is often impossible to determine when to share this data. "

There is an important conversation going on about the power of companies like Facebook on our lives. These businesses are built on very complex technical platforms, and it is not reasonable to expect users to fully understand the effects of interacting with them. As an Internet user, you deserve a voice and you have to be Able to use the Internet according to your own terms. In light of recent news about how to use user data collection in amazing ways, we've created an add-on for Firefox called Facebook Container, based on the technology we've been working on for the past two years, and in response to what we see in terms of the growing demand for tools that help manage privacy and security and security.

Facebook segregation your Facebook identity to the rest of your web activity, and after installing it on Firefox, you will still be able to use Facebook normally. Facebook can continue to serve you and send you ads. The difference is that it will be harder for Facebook to use your activity. The complex outside Facebook to send ads and other targeted messages.

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