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Microsoft: Digital transformation is the best way to reduce costs and increase revenue

A recent Microsoft study states that nearly half of Gulf companies see the current ICT infrastructure as outdated and in need of development.

"New technologies such as cloud computing and the Internet have reached the stage of integrated maturity now, and regional organizations have begun to look seriously at these solutions as the path to digital transformation to meet the new global challenges," said Naguib Oziogal, Cloud Computing Solutions Manager at Microsoft Gulf. These technologies reduce costs and increase revenues very dramatically. Regularly upgrading infrastructure helps companies save millions of dollars that can be allocated to increase productivity. Rory inevitable for all organizations of different sizes in order to enhance operational efficiency. "
During its research, Microsoft asked participants from about 1,000 GCC organizations a series of questions about digital transformation. The results revealed that nearly half of the 49.5 percent of companies said their IT infrastructure was outdated and needed immediate improvements .

The same study showed that 84 percent of respondents in this study realized that digital transformation was the best way to cut costs and increase revenues, while more than two in three, 68 percent, said they planned to invest 5 percent or more of their revenues in the transformation In 2018, while a third of respondents polled by 32 percent said they would invest more than 5 percent of their revenue in finding new ways to boost their business by digital means.

The study also found that 83 percent of enterprises are aware of the extent of the digital transformation, its importance and how to employ it. Another segment, 79 percent, said that the trend towards digital transformation is a top priority for next year.

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