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Instagram network may revert to the old publications display system

As with many social networking platforms at the beginning, Instagram originally relied on a chronological display system where the most recent posts are displayed first. Later, Instagram changed it to a timeline where the posts are displayed based on your preferences and preferences, and Instagram displays the posts accordingly.

This means that posts posted a few days ago still have a chance to appear at the top of your feed. However, Instagram seems to be thinking of going back to the old, chronologically-based display system, or at least according to a video uploaded by a user that displays its feed with publications in chronological order, not by order.

Note that this feature seems to be part of the trial version of the Instagram application and it is only available to a limited number of users, at least for now. It is not clear whether Instagram will remove the current timetable in favor of the chronology, or whether Instagram will give users the option of displaying the publications in their feeds in chronological order, which many Engstram users have been asking for a relatively long time.

This can also be a test, and nothing more, and the new old publications view system will not reach the general public. In both cases, we will wait and see, but in the meantime would you like Instagram to return to the chronological display system?


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