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A new air-to-water system officially arrives in the UAE

UAE's Hahira Capital and Veragon International Holding Group, the world's leading provider of sustainable natural water drinking water solutions in the Middle East, have launched a new technology that provides a sustainable and sustainable source of drinking water through the collection of moisture from the air. "The first company of its kind to open a branch in Abu Dhabi to provide government companies and institutions with air treatment systems to convert air humidity into potable water in the Middle East markets.

Veragon Water Solutions has opened its new premises in the Abu Dhabi International Market square and will provide drinking water in hot or tropical environments. The company aims to reduce the amount of bottled water used in plastic bottles, Air-to-water conversion units from Varagon have succeeded in producing drinking water for United Nations and armed forces elements in many countries within dry areas, which suffer from the most difficult climate in the world.

The new technology was launched in the UAE through a joint venture between Emirates Capital and the UAE-based Vera Group, and the launch event at its new headquarters in the Abu Dhabi Global Market revealed the systems of the Water Solutions Units in the presence of a group of VIPs And representatives of major international and regional companies.

Founded by Dr. Alessio Locatelli, an Italian natural physician who has devoted his research and research work to the development of air-to-water technology, Vergon Water Solutions Limited was founded in the United Kingdom following his participation in relief work after the major earthquake that Occurred in Haiti in 2010. During the crisis resulting from the earthquake, Dr. Alessio's interface with the relief teams was a major difficulty in finding safe mineral water for drinking and cleaning medical equipment. Water shortages were the main dilemmas of the relief campaign.

After several successful experiments, water capture was developed from the air and subsequently expanded commercially. The result was the creation of the Vergoon system to convert air to water with a production capacity of up to 1,000 liters per day of pure water, with a production value of 0.03 AED / liter. The designs of the Vergon units for the production of water from the air conform to WHO standards and have been approved for use in the GCC region.

The company is seeking to launch four new projects in the UAE in collaboration with major companies looking for the best ways to access sustainable sources of drinking water without the need for logistics to help reduce costs and reduce carbon emissions.

"The global water crisis, especially the difficulty of access to safe drinking water resources in many societies, has become one of the most pressing issues faced by government organizations and institutions worldwide," said David Vergoon, President, Vergon International. In addition, ecosystems in the world's oceans are being threatened by massive waste and waste from disposable plastic waste. With these urgent things in mind, Viragon is a viable alternative to replacing bottled water without affecting its quality "He said.

"We live in a world in which this natural wealth is subjected to many pressures to meet the needs of the world's population, which are increasing year after year. Humanity must find the best way to export what we need to withstand these threats and help protect our environment."

Although the Vergon technology has been developed to ensure that a safe water resource is available in the event of disasters and crises that harm humanity, it also provides many other suitable uses for agriculture, projects in remote areas, on sea platforms, or even on large events, Directly in residential areas.

The company said that the air-to-water conversion system in the agricultural areas of the Middle East could be used as an innovative system whose design contributes to reducing dependence on natural water sources such as underground aquifers or desalination systems that are expensive and consume a lot of energy.

"The Viragón system is ideal for land in areas such as the Middle East, providing access to water in areas with high levels of moisture in their atmosphere, safely and reliably," said Alex Gaye, CEO and Founder of Emirates.

"While countries in the region seek to reduce dependence on oil to reduce their impact on the environment, while oil is an important source of energy and meets all needs of the population, the air-to-water conversion system provides practical, clean and sustainable solutions that meet the growth of water requirements in the region. Middle East and North Africa. "

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