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The Android Oreo update for the two phones Galaxy S8 / S8+ does not bring support Project Treble

Google announced Project Treble last year to allow smart phone manufacturers to release their Android's key Android updates faster. It is no secret that major Android updates take a long time to reach the smart phones of the various manufacturers, which is why the Android system is currently fragmented. For example, Oreo has been released six months ago, but has only reached about 1% of all Android devices. Unfortunately, Samsung's recent 8.0 Oreo update for the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 does not bring support for Project Treble.

If you have not heard of it before, Project Treble allows smart phone manufacturers to separate customizations and changes from the raw Android system. The idea here is that manufacturers do not need to make a lot of changes to the update, which reduces the time that these companies are working on updates for their devices.

Google said last year it was working to bring Project Treble to existing and legacy Android devices. For all the devices that come preinstalled with Android 8.0 Oreo, they will come preinstalled with the Project Treble feature, but the current hardware that got the Oreo update is not certain to have Project Treble.

This is unfortunately what happened with the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 phones. As you probably know, Samsung began a few days ago with the release of the Oreo 8.0 for the Galaxy S8, but now confirmed that this update does not bring support for Project Treble.

Samsung may add support for the Project Treble for the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 in the future through a sub-update, but considering that the Galaxy S9 will be the first smartphone from the South Korean company comes preinstalled with the system 8.0 Android Oreo, there is likely to keep support Project Treble exclusively for this phone, at least in the near future.


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