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Rumors: Samsung Galaxy S series will turn to Galaxy X after S9

Rumors have been circulating that the Galaxy S9 will be the last device in the S series and that its successor will take the Galaxy X instead of the Galaxy S10.

Although this title (Galaxy X) has been associated with Samsung's upcoming folding phone, but the company did not confirm anything official about any of these names.

But what is important about the label is the association of the brand and its global brand with the S logo and its link to mind. Samsung may be afraid that some lovers will lose because of the usual name of the leading category of products, which makes some believe that the name may become Galaxy SX, Corresponds to the number 10 in the Roman numbering and the series continues in the same context, but the problem was exported for the next year where the name seems large and unusual, compared to the label Galaxy X followed by Galaxy X1 and so on

In any case, perhaps talking about these early titles is premature considering that Samsung will certainly consider all the options and already have the appropriate plan for it.

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