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Perform voice commands and deception under the name of Smart Digital Assistance!

Most of the participants at CES 2018 were artificial intelligence through digital assistance. A very large range of products, such as refrigerators and lamps, plus television, they say, are equipped with an intelligent digital assistant, but the reality is not.

Theoretically speaking, the implementation of voice commands means the presence of an audio interface in the device, just like the previous graphical interface that allows the user to choose what he wants to access such as playing a song or adjusting the temperature of cooling devices. The Smart Digital Assistance is a smart software that works for the benefit of the person, that is, it connects the points between them; the user is currently in the house and its evaluation refers to a meeting somewhere, here comes the role of smart digital assistant to know the condition of the roads and the size of congestion to alert the user about the necessity He went out to meet him without delay.

The above means that the first option, the audio interfaces, should not necessarily be smart; it is just a way to interact with the device by sound instead of touching or using buttons. The second is digital aid. Intelligence is an essential part of it to be a true helper with all its meaning.

Back to CES 2018, refrigerators - for example - which companies claimed to be equipped with digital assistance, are not all equipped with digital assistance and it is only a trick to sell more and get media coverage, because it provides an audio interface only as a temperature control or know the temperature of the freezing section. The same applies to air conditioners that can execute voice commands when required to change the temperature, or even intelligent TVs that only change the pitch or move to another channel.

For the above examples to be smart, the refrigerator must be equipped with sensors and cameras capable of knowing its contents and quantities as well, with the possibility of knowing how fresh they are by using computer vision algorithms. For home cooling devices, they must be equipped with sensors to measure the room temperature and determine the oxygen ratio in it, with a camera to see how many people are there. For TVs, they must be provided with cameras. Then, after providing these techniques, they can be considered smart because the refrigerators will be able to tell the user about what is missing, and will also be home cooling devices able to provide a temperature in line with the number in the room with a guarantee of pure air to maintain the normal oxygen, and the same For TVs on the camera you will know the person in front of them to run their favorite program based on time, without any direct interference from it.

In short, there is a lot of noise around the audio interfaces and digital assistants, the first is just an interface like any other interface, and a way to interact with the device in voice rather than buttons. The second is more complex, and relies on software such as Google AdSense, Siri or Alexa from Amazon.

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