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NoSeen application lets you read Facebook Messenger messages without knowing from the other party

"Seen" that can not be hidden from the Facebook Messenger application may be a lot of problems for some and may put us in embarrassing situations with others and we have to respond to messages do not want to respond to them at the time of receipt.

So developers have programmed many alternative programs for the application of Facebook Messenger or the applications of the next party. One of the best of these applications is the new NoSeen application, which is available exclusively on the iOS operating system, which offers a great and unique feature is not to notify the sender of your message.

The new and distinctive NoSeen application comes with many features that complement the Messenger sometimes and completely alternative to it at another time, including:

• Read Messenger messages without informing the sender that you have read the message (do not show the icon was seen for the sender when reading the message)

• Blocking annoying contacts

Reply to messages

• The application supports closing through fingerprint reader, PIN code, or even fingerprint closure

• The application supports multiple accounts

• Hide last time to appear Last seen, but the application asks you not to open Facebook or Messenger in this case

The new NoSeen application is available on Apple Store and supports iOS 10.0 and newer. It is completely free and does not require any fees to upload or use any of its features.

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