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Is it the time for Microsoft to worry about Linux?

Although Microsoft has almost absolute control over the market for computer operating systems, this has not prevented competitors from developing other operating systems. Google has developed Chrome OS, Apple since the 1980s with Mac OS, Developer by a non-profit organization, an open source system.

Although it is free, the Linux adoption rate was not very large, but it is limited to a specific category, although there are plenty of distributions available. But in 2018, the balance of power may begin to spiral even slightly, because of some of the changes Samsung began in 2017.

After the unveiling of Dex, an accessory that converts the Galaxy S8 and Notot 8 computers, Samsung has talked about developing an application to emulate the Linux system on those devices, so the user gets a Linux distribution on his phone as soon as And a link to a screen and a keyboard, in addition to the system of Android, which is mainly using the Linux kernel.

Only a few months ago Razer came out with a new project named Linda, a structure of a laptop with a keyboard, screen and hard disk for storage, plus a battery only, a structure that becomes useful after putting the company's phone in it, TrackPad on the one hand, and a computer processor on the other.

As a result, users will be able to use the Linux-flavored Linux system on Linde computers as well, and Linux will become increasingly popular on laptops and desktops years after Windows controls them. And that popularity may increase dramatically if the rest of the companies have the same concept.

If the idea of ​​using the smartphone as a computer is successful regardless of the supplement or method, the Android system and the Linux kernel are the core building blocks of these efforts, especially with the possibility of using the Android App Store in them, to get the user a simple and rich experience of tools on the other hand, This may mean that Microsoft and Windows may change, even slightly, for the time being, waiting for the rest of the years to come.

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