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Hacking thousands of Android phones and smart TVs for digital currency mining

Pirates have infected thousands of Android devices and smart TVs with malicious software and converted them into mining devices for the famous Monroe digital coin, researchers at China's Netlab360 company found.

The attacks have affected 7,000 devices in China, and although this network of infected devices is not big compared to what has been discovered recently, security researchers say pirates will use this method to make money from other people's devices, ranging from phones, tablets, Such as washing machines and smart refrigerators.

Netlab360 says the attacks benefit from a loophole in operating systems that allows the device to connect to the Internet, where hackers search for devices connected through the 5555 port, which helps them find Android devices and unsecured television. They are infected by malicious software, known as a "worm" that searches for more devices to infect them.

The researchers told ZDNet that the hackers did not open the 5555 port themselves, which could make this attack more disturbing, but these ports were already open from a previous attack and known until the moment How and when these ports were opened the first time.

The network of infected devices give the pirates the power of thousands of devices without the cost of purchase and operation of electricity and the Internet.

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